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Lexo Revistën

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Revista e shkencave shoqerore “Vizione” nr.33, IADC, Shkup

Magazine of Social Sciences “Vizione” no.33, IADC, Skopje

Спиасание за општествени науки Визионе” бр.33IADC, Скопје


First Published in August 2004 
National and University Library “St. Clement of Ohrid ” –  Skopje
ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form
ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form 

Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor
Revista Vizione është regjistruar në Agjencionin për informacione në Republikën e Maqedonisë, Nr. 02 – 482/ 2;  Shkup 29 korrik 2004
Visions Magazine is registered at the Agency for information in the Republic of Macedonia, no. 02-482 / 2; Skopje, July 29, 2004

Botues: Shoqata e Intelektualëve “Klubi Demokratik” – Shkup
Publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club” – Skopje

Këshilli botues / Editorial Board:

Prof.  Dr.Nazmi Maliqi (Maqedoni),
Prof   Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof.  Dr.Jorde Jakimovski (Maqedoni)
Prof   Dr.Vesel Latifi (Kosovë)
Prof.  Dr.Milazim Krasniqi (Kosovë),
Prof.  Dr.Temelko Ristevski (Maqedoni)
Prof.  Dr.Irena Lama (Shqipëri)
Prof.  Dr.Vlado Popovski (Maqedoni)
Prof.  Dr.Bajram Pollozhani (Maqedoni),
Prof.  Dr.Antoneta Vassileva (Bulgaria)
Prof.  Dr.Agron Beka (Kosovë)
Prof.  Dr. Nano Ruzhin (Maqedoni)
Prof.  Dr.Semaus Taggart (Northern Ireland )
Prof.  Dr.Yunus Emre Tansü (Türkiye)
Prof.  Dr.Sejdefa Djafche (Maqedoni)

Kryeredaktor dhe redaktor përgjegjës
Editor-in-chief: Prof. Dr.Nazmi Maliqi (Maqedoni)
Redaksia – Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof. Dr.Mesud Idriz (Bosnja dhe Hercegovina)
Prof. Dr.Igor Kambovski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Aynur Uraler (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr. Afrim Osmani (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr. Juliana Zaharia (Shqiperi)
Prof. Dr Marija Ignjatovic, (Serbi)
Doc. Dr.Drita N. Maliqi (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr. Semaus Taggart (Northern Ireland )
Prof. Dr.Dr.Irina Chudoska – Blazhevska (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr. Drita Fazlija Mahmudi (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Fadil Maloku (Kosovë)
Prof. Dr. Olga Gurkova ( Maqedoni)
Dr, Sc. Driton Maljiçi (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Rabije Murati (Maqedoni)

Computer arrangement: Faton Maliqi
Shtyp / Printing house: Grafotex


Revistë studimore  –  shkencore me përmbajtje:
Studious and scientific magazine with:

  • Education culture science
  • Sociological content,
  • Integrime evroatlantike
  • Euroatlantic integration,
  • Ekonomike dhe – Economic
  • Political and juridical content

Nr.  32 / 2019
Shkup  – Skopje,  February 2019

Përmbajtja / Content

Arsim kulturë shkencë
Education culture science

Prof. Dr. Irena NDOCI LAMA
Dante’s work as a living model and dividing line of moral
and political judgment … 13

Prof. Dr. Elona MUSTAFA
Luixhi pirandelo: the novel as a laboratory of the passage to the theatre … 29

Kiara TUSHA & Meglijana LLESHI &, Flavia XHAFERRI
The preliminary translation of Pier Paolo Pasolini’s
Poem “MOTHER’S BALAD” … 37

Ma. Fatbardha ABAZI
The contribution of albanologist Lucia Nadin. A new recovery
of Albanian historical and cultural values … 51 Sara MIFTARI SADIKI & Dr. Sc Luljeta BEXHETI
Psychological changes between patients with coronary disease
and those with diabetes (in the region of Tetovo) … 67

Kultura gjuhësore dhe ligjore e komunikimit
Linguistic and legal culture of communication

Mr.Sc. Xhevahire IZMAKU-Phd candidat
Programming under the pressure of financial resources:
audience funding, advertising, public authorities, donor agencies … 81

Media culture … 91

Dr. Sc. Driton MALJICHI
Occupation of public mind … 101

Hulumtime juridike – politike
Juridical political research

Prof. Dr Ismail ZEJNELI
Some of the challenges in the judicial reform process … 117 Violeta SMAJLAJ, Phd candidate
The marital property regime in Kosovo’s legislation and Islamic Law … 129

Dr. Sc. Ismail ISMAILI
Collective negotiation and the situations in the legislation of the
Republic of North Macedonia … 145

Associate Professor Ivica JOSIFOVIC, PhD
Associate Professor Igor KAMBOVSKI, PhD
The European arrest warrant
and the non-execution grounds: Case studies … 159

Bashkim ALIJI, PhD
The provisions of abrogation in the basics of Islamic law … 171

Mr. Sc. Xhemile SALIU, PHD candidate
General approach to the judicial system in continental Europe … 179

Dr. Sc. Dejan Savevski
Professional-legal aspects of the protection of human rights
before the constitutional court of Macedonia … 189

Prof. Dr. Afrim Osmani & Prof.Dr. Qebir AVZIU
The fight against the unconventional crime with unconventional
means – extradition of domestic citizens … 201

Doc. Dr. Zineta ASANI
Reduction of the functions of the modern family … 211

Mr. Sc. Ilvije KASAMI
Cooperation of the hague court with the Republic of Macedonia … 219

Mr.Sc. Xhemile SALIU, PHD candidate
Reform efforts in the German civil system … 235

Prof. Dr. Goce GALEV
Horizontal agreements and free competition in the European Union … 243

Hulumtime në Politikat e sigurisë dhe në kriminologji
Research in Security Policies and criminology

The distribution of intravenous drug users in the municipality
of Gostivar in the period of 2012 – 2017 … 259

Dr.Sc. Fadil SHABANI
Integrated border management and interference cooperation
of the Republic of north Macedonia … 265

Prof. Dr. Zunun Zununi
Role, meaning and fight against terrorism of NATO Alliance … 279

Persiatje socio – politike
Socio – political rationale

Prof. Dr. Juliana ZAHARIA, PhD
Structuring society: family functions versus family issues … 295

Prof. Dr. Temelko RISTESKI
Prof. Dr. Nazmi MALICHI
Rational use of natural resources as imperative
of sustainable development … 307

Prof. Dr. Fadil MALOKU
With Donald Trump, the new world order, a challenge or a need? … 325

Mr. Sc. Ymrane SULEJMANI – ZIBERI, Phd candidate
Humanitarian views of Prof. dr. Sejfedin Sulejmani for the role
of education in the formarion of communities … 337

Mr. Sc. Maja TRAJKOVSKA, Phd candidate &
Mr. Sc. Ilhan EMINOV, Phd candidate
Gender equality, and female leadership in the postmodern society … 347

Mr. Sc. Bilgaip MAZNIKAR, Phd candidate
Voltaire – leader of the enlightenment … 355

Mr. Sc. Ymrane SULEJMANI – ZIBERI, Phd candidate
Importance of the communication in the society organization
according to prof. Sejfedin Sulejmani … 371

Hulumtime në ekonomi
Research in economics

Prof. Dr. Nikola POPOVSKI, associate professor,
Fiscal space in small and open developing economies … 383

Tanja KITANOVSKA STOJKOVSKA, Assistant Professor
Liza PANTEKOVSKA, Associate Professor
Motives of users towards fitness services and factors that influence
the choice of fitness centaer – in the role of residents and tourists … 393

Establishment of interdependence of the global
warming and international trade … 405

Assis. Prof. Vesna JOVANOVA-SIMEVA, PhD
Sports manager with leadership abilities … 421

Doc. Mr. Arbresha IBRAHIMI , PHD candidate
Guiding principles for future development of clinical hospital design ….. 433

Marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare dhe diplomaci
International relations and diplomacy

Elena TODOROVA, PhD, Associate Professor
Prof. Dr. Sejdefa DJAFCHE
The importance of the right to education for inclusive
social development and progress … 445

Prof. Dr. Mevludin IBISH
Post-communist transition processes in Poland and Bulgaria … 459

Dr. Sc. Mitko Gadjovski
NATO relations with Russia – cooperation and distribution … 473

Prof. Dr. Goce GALEV
Prof. Dr. Aleksandar CHAVLEVSKI
Dominant monopoly in European Union … 485

Effective multilateralism reconsidered:
Global governance as a priority of the EU global strategy … 497

Mr. Sc. Imrane MORINA, PHD candidate
Corruption through the prism Of the chapter 23 and 24 OF EU … 507

The role and the need from the NATO Alliance financial infrastructure … 515

Opione shkencore fetare
Religious scientific options

Dr. Sc. Mavludin ALIU
Pir Mehmet El Uskubi dhe koleksioni i tij fetvatë … 529

Mr. Sc. Bahri CURRI
Approach to dialogue and rules
in Islam thinking – (II) Second Part  … 543

R e c e n s i o n e
R e v i e w s


Prof. Dr. Sherif SELIMI
Recensionsione poetike të dy librave të prof, dr. Sali Bashota … 559

Prof. Dr. Ermelinda KASHAH
Estetizimi i dhimbjes në librin “Krahët e shpendit”,
të autorit Bardhyl Llagamit … 563

”Vdekja e kolonisë”, libri që dokumenton kolonizimin
e Kosovës 1912-1990 … 567

Retro, kujtime, ngjarje Personalitete
Retro, Memory, Event, Personalities

Albanian roots in Greece, EU study:
There are 696 Albanian-speaking villages … 577

The truth about Epirus and Chameria … 583

Udhëzime për autorët … 589
Упаство за авторите … 590
Instructions for authors … 591