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Revista e shkencave shoqerore “Vizione” nr.31, IADC, Shkup

Magazine of Social Sciences “Vizione” no.31, IADC, Skopje

Спиасание за општествени науки Визионе” бр.31IADC, Скопје


First Published in August 2004 
National and University Library “St. Clement of Ohrid ” –  Skopje
ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form
ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form 

Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor
Revista Vizione është regjistruar në Agjencionin për informacione në Republikën e Maqedonisë, Nr. 02 – 482/ 2;  Shkup 29 korrik 2004
Visions Magazine is registered at the Agency for information in the Republic of Macedonia, no. 02-482 / 2; Skopje, July 29, 2004

Botues: Shoqata e Intelektualëve “Klubi Demokratik” – Shkup
Publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club” – Skopje

Këshilli botues / Editorial Board:
Prof. Dr.Nazmi Maliqi (Maqedoni),
Prof Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof. Dr.Jorde Jakimovski (Maqedoni)
Prof Dr.Vesel Latifi (Kosovë)
Prof. Dr.Milazim Krasniqi (Kosovë),
Prof. Dr.Temelko Ristevski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Irena Lama (Shqipëri)
Prof. Dr.Vlado Popovski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Bajram Pollozhani (Maqedoni),
Prof. Dr.Antoneta Vassileva (Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.Agron Beka (Kosovë)
Prof.Dr. Nano Ruzhin (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Semaus Taggart (Northern Ireland )
Prof. Dr.Yunus Emre Tansü (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr.Sejdefa Djafche (Maqedoni)

Kryeredaktor dhe redaktor  përgjegjës
Editor-in-chief  Prof. Dr.Nazmi Maliqi  (Maqedoni)

Redaksia: Editorial staff:

Prof. Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof. Dr.Mesud Idriz (Bosnja dhe Hercegovina)
Prof. Dr.Igor Kambovski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Aynur Uraler (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr. Afrim Osmani (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr. Juliana Zaharia (Shqiperi)
Prof. Dr Marija Ignjatovic, (Serbi) N. Maliqi (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr. Semaus Taggart (Northern Ireland )
Prof. Dr.Dr.Irina Chudoska – Blazhevska (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr. Drita Fazlija Mahmudi (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Fadil Maloku (Kosovë)
Prof. Dr. Olga Gurkova ( Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Rabije Murati (Maqedoni)

Computer Faton Maliqi
Shtyp/ Printing house: Grafotex


Revistë studimore  –  shkencore me përmbajtje:
Studious and scientific magazine with:

  • Education culture science
  • Sociological content,
  • Integrime evroatlantike
  • Euroatlantic integration,
  • Ekonomike dhe – Economic
  • Political and juridical content

Nr.  31 / 2018
Shkup  – Skopje,  December 2018

Përmbajtja / Content

Arsim kulturë shkencë
Education culture science

Dr. Markeliana ANASTASI
The figure of belluca, in the train whistled of pirandello,and the figure of gregor in the metamorphosis of kafka, comparisons and reflections … 11

Artan FIDA
The main methods of postgraduate training for foreign language teachers in Albania from 1945 to 1991 from a historical point of view … 21

Kultura gjuhësore e komunikimit
Culture and language communication

Characteristics of good speech … 37

Flavia XHAFERRI, Kiara TUSHA, Meglijana LLESHI
The preliminary translation of pier paolo pasolini’s poem “ I hate you dear students ” … 47

Hulumtime juridike – politike
Juridical political research

Xhemile SALIU, PHD cand.
Children’s rights in the era of globalization and statistical reports on their situation in Republic of Macedonia … 61

Prof. Dr. Sejdefa DJAFCHE
Elena TODOROVA, PhD, Associate Professor
International legal assistance in tax matters in the national legislation of Republic of Macedonia … 75

Mr. Sc. Adelina RAKAJ , PHD cand.
The protection of the rights of the defendant
by the constitutional court- the Kosovo case study … 85

Prof. Dr Temelko RISTESKI
Doc. Dr Zineta ASANI & Ekrem HALIMOVSKI
Administrative procedure in the lustration process in the Republic of Macedonia … 99

Prof. Dr. Prof. Ivica JOSIFOVIC
Prof. Dr. Prof. Igor KAMBOVSKI
Extradition of European Union nationals to third states: analyzing the petruhhin case … 117

Prof. Dr. Borka TUSHEVSKA
Prof.Dr. Darko SPASEVSKI
Freight forwarders documents in Macedonian court practice … 131

Doc. Dr. Dimitar APASIEV
Prof. Dr. Igor KAMBOVSKI & Doc. Dr. Marija AMPOVSKA
The role and significance of the state attorney’s office in the justice system of the Republic of Macedonia … 145

Persiatje socio – politike
Socio – political rationale

Dr. Juliana ZAHARIA, PhD
Resistant youth― alternative Education solutions to refusal and exclusion … 157

PhD Candidate Bujar Daki
Prof. Dr. Jonuz Abdullai
Strengthening state Institutions in the new state Republic of Kosovo … 165

Key preconditions that lead to the success of reforms … 175

Hulumtime në ekonomi
Research in economics

Elena Gjuroska, PhD
Liza Pantekovska, PhD, Assosiate Professor
Effects of climate change on tourism with special accent of some forms of sports tourism … 191

Assis. Prof. Vesna JOVANOVA-SIMEVA, PhD
The use of planning in sports organizations as a sports management function … 207

Marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare dhe diplomaci
International relations and diplomacy

Prof. Dr. Arlinda MEMETAJ
The itinerancy of the Republic of Macedonia towards achieving the goal of NATO and EU membership … 221

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bejtulla DEMIRI
Global politics and the European Union as a political actor … 235

Mr.Sc. Bahri CURRI
Cultural integration in the European Union and Republic of Kosovo (2) … 243

Opione shkencore fetare
Religious scientific options

Mr. Sc. Rijad Misini Ph.D. Canditate
Dr. Salih Sulaiman Almufadda, Ph.D.
Building suggested objectives for the jurisprudence course in the secondary stage in “Alauddin” schools in Republic of Kosova … 259

Intervistë- Kontributi per islamin i Ajtene Krasniqi – Ardel … 273

Retro, kujtime, ngjarje Personalitete
Retro, Memory, Event, Personalities

Mr. Sc. Zog ÇOÇAJ
Qëndrimi i Ahmet Zogut ndaj nacionalistëve Kosovarë dhe masat e ndërmarra pas vitit 1925 … 281

Mr.Sc. Agron ISLAMI
The role of Albanian leaders in the ottoman state in the century XVII and the fall of the Albanian, Abdurrahman Abdi Pasha in Budin … 293

Udhëzime për autorët … 301
Упаство за авторите … 302
Instructions for authors … 303