Friday, February 7, 2025

Instruction for Authors

The magazine publishes only reviewed and specialized papers: original research papers, accompanying research papers and professional papers, and book displays. The manuscript should be submitted in electronic form to facilitate the journal printing. The pages and appendices should be numbered.

Papers should be written in the English language. The papers that are not to be printed are returned to the authors with an explanation.


The paper should include: a title, author, institution, abstract, keywords, introduction, main part, conclusion, and reference. The full paper should not exceed 5000 words. Title of the paper – 13 points, Times New Roman, centered, first in Albanian, Macedonian (Cyrillic support), and then in English. The title of the paper should be short, but give a true reflection of the content and preferably contain as many keywords from the subject matter covered as possible.
Authors: name and surname, lower case (Bold), 12 points, Times New Roman, centered. Two empty rows. Institution – cursive (Italic), 12 points, Times New Roman, centered.

Abstract: 12 points, Times New Roman, single-spaced. The content of the abstract should be an essential and independent entity.

Keywords: maximum 5 words, 12 points, Times New Roman, single-spaced.

Introduction: 12 points, Times New Roman, single-spaced.

Body: 12 points, Times New Roman, single-spaced.

Conclusion: 12 points, Times New Roman, single-spaced. The conclusion should be a brief summary of the paper, and to include research results that occurred.

Reference: 12 points, Times New Roman, cited according to the Harvard style of citation. The cited references should be given in a separate chapter in the order in which they appear as footnotes in the text. Cite only the bibliographical data used in the text.

Papers that use tables, pictures, drawings, photographs, illustrations, graphs, and schemes, should be numbered with Arabic numerals, and the title of the picture should be written underneath. Each image or group of images should be planned in a well-structured manner. The images should be sent as separate JPG files with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Color images are printed in black and white.


Publication fee: € 80 (4.900 MKD), as a sponsorship for the publication of the text.
Account information: Intellectual Association “DEMOCRATIC CLUB” – Skopje
Account Number: 300000000059497, Commercial Bank A.D. Skopje
IBAN: MK07300701003721954
Swift Code: KOBSMK2


​For submitting your articles or any information regarding the magazine contact us at