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Revista e shkencave shoqerore “Vizione” nr.26, IADC, Shkup
Magazine of Social Sciences “Vizione” no.26, IADC, Skopje
Спиасание за општествени науки “Визионе” бр.26, IADC, Скопје
International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje
Revistë ndërkombëtare për shkencat shoqërore“VIZIONE “ Shkup
Меѓународно списаније за општесвени науки, “VIZIONE “ Скопје
Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor
First Published in 2004
ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form
ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form
Botues: Shoqata e Intelektualëve “Klubi Demokratik” – Shkup
Publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club” – Shkup
Këshilli botues/Editorial Board:
Prof. Dr.Nazmi Maliqi (Maqedoni),
Prof. Dr.Recai Aydin (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr.Mirlinda Krifca (Maqedoni),
Prof Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof. Dr.Arsim Bajrami (Kosovë),
Prof. Dr.Ilir Kaduku (Shqiperi)
Prof. Dr.Vlado Popovski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Milazim Krasniqi (Kosovë),
Prof. Dr.Bajram Pollozhani (Maqedoni),
Prof..Dr.Avni Presheva (Preshevë- Serbi),
Prof. Dr.Antoneta Vassileva (Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.Bejtush Gashi (Kosovë)
Prof. Dr.Abdyl Koleci (Maqedoni)
Prof Dr.Haxzhi Ferati (Kosovë
Prof Dr.Ermir Dobjani (Shqipëri)
Kryeredaktor dhe redaktor përgjegjës
Prof. Dr.Nazmi Maliqi (Maqedoni)
Redaksia: Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof. Dr.Recai Aydin (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr.Mesud Idriz (Bosnja dhe Hercegovina)
Prof. Dr.Antoneta Vasileva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.Aynur Uraler (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr.Irena Lama (Shqipëri)
Prof. Dr.Abdyl Koleci (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Armand Krasniqi, (Kosovë)
Prof Dr Ćamil Sukić (Novi Pazar Serbia)
Prof. Dr Suzana Aliu (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Jorde Jakimovski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr Osman Kadriu (Maqedoni)
Doc. Dr Afrim Osmani (Maqedoni) Saliaj (Shqipëri)
Prof. Dr.Dario Malnar (Kroacia)
Computer arrangement: Faton Maliqi
Shtyp/ Printing house: Furkan ISM – Shkup
Revista Vizione është regjistruar në Agjencionin për informacione në Republikën e Maqedonisë, Nr. 02 – 482/ 2; Shkup 29 korrik 2004
Revistë studimore – shkencore me përmbajtje:
Studious and scientific magazine with
- Sociologjike
Sociologic content, - Integrime evroatlantike
Euroatlantic integration, - Ekonomike dhe –
Economic - Juridiko – politike
Political and juridical content
Nr. 26/2016
Shkup – Skopje, August 2016
Arsim kulturë shkencë
Education culture science
- Dr. Elona MUSTAFA, The translation of chilren’s literature and the reception of the novel “cuore” in our country
- Prof. Dr. Liljana MITKOVSKA, Error analysis in the english languge classroom
- Prof. dr. Irena NDOCI LAMA, Ancient myth and greek tragedy in the literary work of the italian writer pier Paolo Pasolini
Kultura gjuhësore e komunikimit
Culture and language communication
- Olda XHEPA BALLIU, Realization of communication through text
- Driton MALICHI, Inter ethnic communication and culture of tolerance of the language differences
- Mr. sc. Adelina AVDULLAHU Ph.D. Canditate, Female labor force in Kosovo media
- Liburn MUSTAFA, The constraint of critical thinking in a society as a result of technological influence
Hulumtime juridike – politike
Juridical political research
- Prof. Dr. Temelko RISTEVSKI, The right to a healthy living environment in function of the right to life
- Doc. Dr Drаgаnа RАNĐELOVIĆ, Msc. Lemane MUSTAFA, Ombudsman institutionalisation in the republic of Serbia
- Phd Stefan BUDZAKOSKI, The impact of the changed criminal legislation on the implementation of protective function
- Enkeleda SOFTA METALIAJ, Cooperation in criminal matters ( International legal framework ratified by the Republic of Albania)
- Prof. Dr. Biljana PULESKA, Conflict of laws on non-contractual liability for infringement of intellectual property rights
- Doc. Dr. Sejdefa DZHAFCHE
MA Bilgaip MAZNIKAR, Legal and taxation relation in the macedonian tax – related legislation - Borka Tushevska, PhD
Olga Koshevaliska, PhD
Elena Maksimova, PhD, European versus macedonian principles of public procurement contracts - Mr.Sc Milica SHUTOVA, Phd Cand. Legal protection of the trademarks rights
Hulumtime në Politikat e sigurisë dhe në kriminologji
Research in Security Policies and criminology
- Msc Natasha TODOROVSKA, Msc Sofka HADJIJEVSKA, Preventive – repressive system in the prevention of organized crime
- Msc. Sevil MUAREMOSKA ABDULI MA, Informal meshanisms for control and supervision of the security sector of the republic of Macedonia
Persiatje socio – politike
Socio – political rationale
- Labinot KUNUSHEVCI, INTERVISTË: Kërkimi shkencor t’u paraprijë reformave. Suksesi i shtetit dhe shoqërisë varet nga investimi në shkencë
- Mersim MAKSUTI, Phd, Political responsibility of the public administration bodies in the Republic of Macedonia
- Arbenita SYLEJMANI NIMANI, Portretisation of women and girls in the Kosova media, advertisements and leaflets
- Erzana JAKUPI MALICHI, Training effects on improvement of the performance in bodies of state inspectorates
Hulumtime në ekonomi
Research in economics
- MA Bellma HADZHIKAMBER, Doc. Dr. Sejdefa DZHAFCHE, Labor market of the republic of macedonia conditions and perspectives
- Prof. Dr Mumen Abuarkub B.Sc.Eng.Arch. Protectionfrom sunlight influence and increasing of humidity levels in warm and dry regions
- Doc. Dr. Mirjana MATOVSKA, Doc.Dr. Zorica SILJANOVSKA, Effects of the second wave in eurozone crisis
Marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare dhe diplomaci
International relations and diplomacy
- Lukrecija MALJKOVIC ATANASOVSKA, М.А.Honorifics – from gender equality to gender neutrality
- Ivica JOSIFOVIC, Phd, Zlatko KESKOSKI, Phd, Europe’s migration / refugee crisis: globalization at risk
- Qazime SHERIFI, The concept of Yugoslav crisis
- Mr. sc. Kujtim KASAMI, Theoretical review and analysis of problems of democratic transition and consolidation of post-communist Europe
Retro, memory, Events, personalities
- Ermir GJINISHI, M.A., Ph.D. Canditate, Some aspects of the role of the muslim clergy in the movement for national independence in Albania