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Revista e shkencave shoqerore “Vizione” nr.24, IADC, Shkup
Magazine of Social Sciences “Vizione” no.24, IADC, Skopje
Спиасание за општествени науки “Визионе” бр.24, IADC, Скопје
Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor
First Published in August 2004
ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form
ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form
Revista Vizione është regjistruar në Agjencionin për informacione në Republikën e Maqedonisë, Nr. 02 – 482/ 2; Shkup 29 korrik 2004
Visions Magazine is registered at the Agency for information in the Republic of Macedonia, no. 02-482 / 2; Skopje, July 29, 2004
Botues: Shoqata e Intelektualëve “Klubi Demokratik” – Shkup
Publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club” – Skopje
Këshilli botues / Editorial Board:
Prof. Dr.Nazmi Maliqi (Maqedoni),
Prof Dr.Vesel Latifi (Kosovë)
Prof. Dr.Enver Halilović (B dhe H)
Prof. Dr.Milazim Krasniqi (Kosovë),
Prof. Dr.Recai Aydin (Türkiye)
Prof Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof. Dr.Arsim Bajrami (Kosovë),
Prof. Dr.Ilir Kaduku (Shqiperi)
Prof. Dr.Vlado Popovski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Bajram Pollozhani (Maqedoni),
Prof..Dr.Avni Presheva (Serbi),
Prof. Dr.Antoneta Vassileva (Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr. Agron Beka, (Kosovë)
Prof. Dr. Semaus Taggart (Northern Ireland )
Prof Dr.Ermir Dobjani (Shqipëri)
Kryeredaktor dhe redaktor përgjegjës
Prof. Dr.Nazmi Maliqi (Maqedoni)
Redaksia: Editorial staff:
Prof Dr.Vesel Latifi (Kosovë)
Prof. Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof. Dr.Recai Aydin (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr.Jorde Jakimovski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Mesud Idriz (Bosnja dhe Hercegovina)
Prof. Dr.Antoneta Vasileva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.Aynur Uraler (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr.Irena Lama (Shqipëri) N. Maliqi (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr. Semaus Taggart (Northern Ireland )
Prof. Dr.Osman Kadriu (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Bejtush Gashi (Kosovë)
Doc. Dr.Irina Chudoska – Blazhevska (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr. Afrim Osmani (Maqedoni)
Computer Faton Maliqi
Shtyp/ Printing house: Furkan ISM – Shkup
Revistë studimore – shkencore me përmbajtje:
Studious and scientific magazine with
- Sociologjike
Sociologic content, - Integrime evroatlantike
Euroatlantic integration, - Ekonomike dhe –
Economic - Juridiko – politike
Political and juridical content
Nr. 24/2015
Shkup – Skopje, August 2015
Kultura gjuhësore e komunikimit
Culture and language communication
- Dr. Matilda Parllaku,
Parliamentary discourse during the period 1920-1939 from a lexical and syntactic point of view - Aleksandra Srbinovska-Donchevski, Ashtalkoska-Baloska
Media and politics – friends with emphasized antagonism - Ela VASI,
Types of advertisement based on the model of jean-marie floch and their illustrations through commercials in Albanian
Arsim kulturë shkencë
Education culture science
- Prof. Dr. Lubica Kardalevska,
Individualized approach as a form of adjustment in reading instruction for dyslexic pupils - Msc. Albana Muceku,
Prof. dr. Andro Maçi Haloçi,
The presence of italian culture in the albanian cultural and social context in the first half of the 20-th century - Driton Maliqi, PhD Cand.,
Students interethnic communication through books - Dr.Sc. Aferdita Ameti,
Research and development of organizational culture
Hulumtime juridike – politike
Juridical political research
- Doc.Dr. Sejdefa Djafche, Mr. Sc. Zafir Arifoviq,
Role of the european court in creating communitarian tax law - Prof.Dr. Fatmire Lumani,
Administrative judiciary in the Republic of Macedonia - Dr. Sc. Igor Kambovski,
Specific types of representation - PhD Agim Nuhiu,
Contract as legal fact – doctrinal aspects - Ljubisha Stefanoski, PhD Cand. Importance of copyright -With special emphasis on the moral
and economiccomponentof the copyright act - Jusuf Zejneli, PhD & Faton Shabani, PhD,
The role of the working bodies in the parliamentary democracy - Prof. Dr. Gjorgji Slamkov,
The criminal – legal protection
of environment in the Republic of Macedonia - Mr. Sc. Arber Ademi, PhD. Cand. Arbitrability as a precondition for the validity of the arbitration agreement
- Mr. sc. Dëfrim Saliu, PhD Cand. Parimet e të drejtës së pengut (hipotekës)
Hulumtime në Politikat e sigurisë dhe në kriminologji
Research in Security Policies and criminology
- Prof.ass. dr. Bejtush Gashi,
System security challenges of small states - Rrahman Sylejmani,
Role of police crime prevention - Doc. dr. Qebir Avziu & Doc.dr. Afrim Osmani,
The home controle - Blerim OLLURI, PhD Cand. & Xhemajl Ademaj, PhD,
Historical development of criminalistics and its perspective in Kosova - Prof. Dr. Gjorgji Slamkov & Doc. Dr. Zoran Filipovski,
Features and procedural characteristics of the European
Arrest Warrant(“Balkan” warrant of arrest as the idea)
Persiatje socio – politike
Socio – political rationale
- Prof. Dr. Fadil Maloku,
Transition and (proto) albanians democracy in the Balkans - Sheruze Osmani Ballazhi,
Family socialization and ethnic identity development - Kushtrim Ahmeti, Phd Cand,
Madness: the historical view and its relation with reason - Kujtim Kasami, Ph.D. Cand. Subject: impact of social factors on political socialization among youth
- Ibrahim Neziri, Phd Cand,
The efficiency of workers in the working environment and
the type of their family by adaptability
Hulumtime në ekonomi
Research in economics
- Ma. Thanas Goga & Dr. Genti Kromidha,
Dr. Zamir Dedej & Prof. asoc. dr. Sabah Sena,
Socio-economic survey study for divjaka karavasta national park - Prof. Nada Petrusheva Ph.D & Prof. Ivica Smilkovski Ph.D,
Bank credits as a funding source for international business financing - Sylejman Maçastena & Doc. Dr. Jusuf Fejza,
Development process on audit quality - Silvana Jovcheka, PhD & Irina Chudoska, PhD
Zunun Zunini, PhD,
Profile of professional and international managers - Mr. Sc.Gezim Shabani & Doc. Dr. Jusuf Fejza,
Tourism industrial massiveness
Marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare dhe diplomaci
International relations and diplomacy
- Elena Todorova, PhD, Assistant Professor,
Cooperation between the european union and the councilof europe –
improving the european human rights protection system - Asst. Prof.Dr. Mevludin Ibish,
Analyzing the case of Cyprus during the ottoman
and british political establish – ments - Afrim Osmani, PhD & Qebir Avziu, PhD,
The preventive policies of european union on environmental protection - Biljana Chavkoska, PhD, Assistant Professor,
Is the republic of macedonia “good lover”?Republic of Macedonia NATO – EU case study - Doc.Dr. Arlinda Memetaj,
Study the importance of the negotiation process
of international criminal court
Retro, kujtesë, Ngjarje, personalitete
Retro, memory, Events, personalities
- Rexhep Bej Mitrovica,
Firmëtar i Aktit të Pavarësisë. Veprimtar i lëvizjes kombëtare