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International magazine for social sciences “VIZIONE “ Skopje
Revistë ndërkombëtare për shkencat shoqërore“VIZIONE “ Shkup
Меѓународно списаније за општесвени науки, “VIZIONE “ Скопје
Open Access Journals, EBSCO (2014), Proquest & CiteFactor
First Published in 2004
ISSN: 1409-8962- printed form
ISSN 1857- 9221- electronic form
Botues: Shoqata e Intelektualëve “Klubi Demokratik” – Shkup
Publisher: The Association of Intelectuals “Democratic Club” – Shkup
Këshilli botues/Editorial Board:
Prof. Dr.Nazmi Maliqi (Maqedoni),
Prof. Dr.Recai Aydin (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr.Mirlinda Krifca (Maqedoni),
Prof Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof. Dr.Arsim Bajrami (Kosovë),
Prof. Dr.Ilir Kaduku (Shqiperi)
Prof. Dr.Vlado Popovski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Milazim Krasniqi (Kosovë),
Prof. Dr.Bajram Pollozhani (Maqedoni),
Prof..Dr.Avni Presheva (Preshevë- Serbi),
Prof. Dr.Antoneta Vassileva (Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.Bejtush Gashi (Kosovë)
Prof. Dr.Abdyl Koleci (Maqedoni)
Prof Dr.Haxzhi Ferati (Kosovë
Prof Dr.Ermir Dobjani (Shqipëri)
Kryeredaktor dhe redaktor përgjegjës
Prof. Dr.Nazmi Maliqi (Maqedoni)
Redaksia: Editorial staff:
Prof. Dr.John Fisher ( Kanada)
Prof. Dr.Recai Aydin (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr.Mesud Idriz (Bosnja dhe Hercegovina)
Prof. Dr.Antoneta Vasileva (Sofia, Bulgaria)
Prof. Dr.Aynur Uraler (Türkiye)
Prof. Dr.Irena Lama (Shqipëri)
Prof. Dr.Abdyl Koleci (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Armand Krasniqi, (Kosovë)
Prof Dr Ćamil Sukić (Novi Pazar Serbia)
Prof. Dr Suzana Aliu (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr.Jorde Jakimovski (Maqedoni)
Prof. Dr Osman Kadriu (Maqedoni)
Doc. Dr Afrim Osmani (Maqedoni) Saliaj (Shqipëri)
Prof. Dr.Dario Malnar (Kroacia)
Computer arrangement: Faton Maliqi
Shtyp/ Printing house: Furkan ISM – Shkup
Revista Vizione është regjistruar në Agjencionin për informacione në Republikën e Maqedonisë, Nr. 02 – 482/ 2; Shkup 29 korrik 2004
Revistë studimore – shkencore me përmbajtje:
Studious and scientific magazine with
- Sociologjike
Sociologic content, - Integrime evroatlantike
Euroatlantic integration, - Ekonomike dhe –
Economic - Juridiko – politike
Political and juridical content
Nr. 22/2014
Shkup – Skopje, August 2014
Arsim kulturë shkencë
Education culture science
- Prof. Asoc. Milazim KRASNIQI, Nationalism as a principle and the deviation from the concept of albanian nationalism
- Mr. sc. Rijad MISINI, Cand. PhD,
The Myers dhe Briggs (MBTI®)and its role in the advance of human effectiveness in the light of the objectives of islamic law - Mentor KAÇI – Phd.cand. History and anthropology or some issues of interdisciplinarity
Kultura gjuhësore e komunikimit
Culture and language communication
- Prof. Asoc. dr. Elida TABAKU,
The place and role of translation in foreign language teaching - Dr. Adriana DERVISHAJ,
Në mësimin e gjuhës angleze si gjuhë e huaj). Loja me role (role-playing) - MA. ELONA MUSTAFA,
Procedures, concepts and strategies of professional practice of translation - Dr. Elda RESMJA MOLLA,
Noun determinatives in the latin and albanian text of kuvendi i arbënit (1703) - Dr. Leonard XHAMANI,
Translation in the teaching of latin language - Mirdie ETEMI,
Historic context of the novel “kështjella” by Ismail Kadare
Hulumtime juridike – politike
Juridical political research
- Arben DOLLAPAJ, PhD cand. Combating document counterfeiting offenses in the Republic of Albania, with a particular focus to the tirana district court
Right to privacy in the constitutions of the european countries and the us constitution - Fran QAFA, PhD Cand. Analysis of the lustration process in albania and some countries in Europe
- Doc.dr. Qebir AVZIU, Pre trial detention under the new legal norms in criminal procedure in the Republic of Macedonian
- Doc.Dr. Afrim OSMANI,
Parole and tha implementation in the practice in the Republic of Macedonia - Xhemazie IBRAIMI,
Administrative contracts as a subject of administrative concflict - PhD Agim NUHIU,
Access to medical services from the perspective of the principle of equality and non discrimionation - Mr. Sc. Arbër ADEMI, PhD cand. Grounds for setting aside of the arbitral awards
- Dëfrim SALIU,
Mortgage and in particular the definition of other real rights over foreign objects
Hulumtime në Politikat e sigurisë dhe në kriminologji
Research in Security Policies and criminology
- Doc.Dr. Naser ETEMI,
Doc.Dr. Mitasin BEQIRI,
Penal characteristics of customs fraud - Doc.D-r. Tatijana ASHTALKOSKA-BALOSKA
Combating economic crimes in Republic of Macedonia
as part of the modern concepts of achieving criminal justice - Mr. sc. Mujë UKAJ, PhD. Cand. Criminogen specifics of deliquents with mental disorders
- Blerim OLLURI, Ph.D. Cand.
Xhemajl ADEMAJ, Ph.D.
The importance, tasks and principles of criminal traseology
Persiatje socio – politike
Socio – political rationale
- Juliana ZAHARIA, PhD. Cand. Forcimi i qytetarisë te të rinjtë përballë sfidës së pjesëmarrjes
- Gëzim QERIMI, PhD cand. Editorial policies of daily newspapers in relation to the elections
- Xhavit SHALA, PhD cand. Effect of electoral system in advancing democracy and abuse prevention of franchise in Kosovo
- Mr.s. Besnik MURATI,
Multiethnic society’s
Hulumtime në ekonomi
Research in economics
- Brunilda MUÇA, PhD cand. Prof. Dr. Galantina Canco Doraci, Trade unions and the role of social dialogue in the protection of employees from informality
The perspective of rotterdam rules in international transport - Prof.Dr. Blagoja SPIRKOSKI,
Doc. Dr. Radica DISHLIESKA,
The twin deficit and case of Republic of Macedonia - Prof. Dr. Nada PETRUSHEVA, Export credit agencies in industrialized countries, developing countries and countries in transition
- Prof.Dr. Rizvan SULEJMANI,
What kind of democracy will produce the economic inequality, in multiethnic Republic of Macedonia
Marrëdhëniet ndërkombëtare,
diplomaci dhe integrimet Euroatlantike
International relations and Euro -Atlantic integrations
- Doc. Dr. Sejdefa DZAFCHE, Zahir ARIFOVICH, The role of international agreement for avoiding double taxation in integration process – case of the Republic of Macedonia - Msc.Bukuroshe ISUFAJ,
Globalism is a phenomenon that affects even the linguistic processes - Faton MALIQI,
Cooperation council for the arab states of the gulf regional cooperation and economic relations - Prof.Irina Chudoska Blazevska PhD,
Prof.Zunun Zununi PhD,
Global character of economic immigration
Periskopi informatik – Computer Periscope
- Kastriot BLAKAJ,
Lavdim BEQIRI, Virtual private network – Rrjeta private virtuale
Retro, kujtesë, Ngjarje, personalitete
Retro, memory, Events, personalities
- Firmëtarët e deklaratës së pavarësisë së Shqiperisë