Friday, February 7, 2025

IN MEMORIAM, Prof. PhD Nazmi MALJICHI (1957-2023)

After the departure of our priceless colleague Prof. PhD Nazmi Maliqi, we his colleagues, we would like to express our respect and gratitude to his long-standing colleague, teacher, collaborator and unique friend.

It was with disbelief and pain that we received the news of the sudden and premature departure of our respected professor Nazmi Maljichi, who like lightning broke through the corridors and the University offices, the house he loved so much and in which he was always returning. He was inextricably linked with the University, which today expresses with great sadness the deepest condolences to the family members.

A distinguished scientist, a respected university professor, a politician, and above all a great man Prof. Nazmi Maljichi. As the great French writer and politician André Malraux says: “When one oak tree is cut down, the whole forest writhes in pain.”

Professor Nazmi’s untimely and sudden death has shaken everyone who knew him. Professor Nazmi was the epitome of modesty, honesty and humanity. He was an exceptional moral vertical.

His professional life is extremely rich in content, consisting of a significant scientific-research opus, scientific and pedagogical activity, management positions and significant social functions. It was not simple to separate those segments which significantly marked his professional path. That’s why we list them briefly in order.

Prof. PhD Nazmi Maliqi was born on March 18, 1957, in the village of Stancic, The Republic of Kosovo. In September 1962, as a child, he moved with his family to Kumanovo. Married father of two daughters and three sons. Primary and secondary education finished in Kumanovo. He finished his studies at the Military Academy in Belgrade in 1980 at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Department of Defense at the University of Belgrad.

After graduating in September 1981, he was employed as a teacher at the secondary school in Kumanovo.

Professor Nazmi Maliqi started his postgraduate studies in the field of defence and peace studies in December 1994 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje. He received his master’s degree in 1999 on the topic: “Political tolerance as a factor of peace and security”.

He began his doctoral studies two years later, in December 2001, at the Institute for Sociological and Juridical-Political Research in Skopje. He defended his doctoral dissertation under the title “Macedonia’s rapprochement to NATO” on October 4, 2003, where he also received the title of Doctor of Political Science.

He started his academic career in 2002 at the South East European University, with the areas of human rights and public services, European Studies, Public and private information systems and European integration.

From April 2004 to March 2006, he was the Director of the Center for Scientific Research at the Faculty of Public Administration at South East European University. In the academic year 2005/2006, Dr Nazmi Maliqi is an external research associate at the Institute for Sociological and Juridical-Political Research in Skopje, at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje – Institute for Peace Studies at the University “St. Methodius” Skopje, as well as a visiting professor at the European University in Skopje.

Since 2006/2007 he has been engaged in final studies at the South East European University in Tetovo, in the following subjects: – Analysis of external and security policy; European Studies (PARIS XII & UESE, Administration publique et gestion des collectivites territoriales); – Functioning of the administrative structures of the EU (group – Comparative Public Administration of the EU) and – Security state policies (Public Administration – Security group).

Since October 2005, he has been engaged as a visiting professor at FON University, in the subjects:

  • History of law and Law of the European Union;
  • Political Sciences;
  • Political marketing and mass media.

Since October 2007, he has been in a regular employment relationship at the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy at FON University. A year later, he was elected vice-dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy.

He successfully performed the function of dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy for two full mandates, from 2011 to 2018.

He was appointed full professor in 2018 at FON University. In the period from 2018-2019, he was Vice-Rector of FON University.

In addition to his academic career, Professor Nazmi was also politically active for some time. In 1990, he was among the founders of the Party for Democratic Prosperity. He held the position of Deputy Minister of Defense in the Government of Macedonia from April 28, 1993 to November 25, 1994. He was elected as a deputy in the Macedonian assembly in 1993 with a duration of the mandate from 1994-1998.

In the years 1994 – 1998, he was a deputy in the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO, as a representative of the parliamentary delegation of the Republic of Macedonia.

At the third Congress of the Party for Democratic Prosperity, held in Tetovo on March 20, 1999, he was elected vice-president of the party. He performed this function until April 2000. Since February 2001, Nazmi Maliqi does not belong to any political party.

He was also academically engaged in Kosovo as a visiting professor at the AAB University College – Pristina; as well as at the Hasan Pristina State University – Faculty of Philology – Department of Journalism. He was engaged in the period from 2016 to 2021 at the International University in Novi Pazar as a visiting professor as well as at the Faculty of Islamic Studies in the subject “Dialogue between religions”.

Since January 2003, Nazmi Maljichi has been the president of the non-governmental association “Albanian Intelligence Union in Macedonia”.

Chief editor of the magazine for social sciences “Visions”, which began to be published in Skopje in September 2004.

Director of the Center for Public Administration Research and member of the Senate of South East European University, in Tetovo.

Nazmi Maliqi was the president of the football team “Bashkimi” from Kumanovo, during the period when this team was placed in the second Central Football League.

He is a participant in many research projects organized by the Research Center of the Faculty of Public Administration of South East European University in Tetovo, the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje, the Institute for Sociological and Political Juridical Research in Skopje, scientific debates organized by the Union of Albanians Intelligence in Macedonia, at public debates organized by the “Islamic Youth Forum” in Skopje, from the association of intellectuals “Democratic Club” Skopje, the “Eurobalkan” Institute, the German “Friedrich Ebert” Foundation, OSCE, the Konrad Adanauer Foundation Skopje, UNDP, etc.

Author of more than 15 books, teaching aids and monographs. Researcher and participant in over 20 international and domestic projects.

Author of more than 50 scientific and professional papers published in renowned international and domestic scientific magazines and journals.

Professor Maljichi spent the most fruitful part of his life and career at our university. Within his engagement, he performed almost all the functions of the Faculty of Political Sciences, he started as a visiting professor, was vice-dean and for two mandates held the position of dean of the Faculty of Political Sciences and Diplomacy.

One can talk for hours about his scientific contribution, about his tireless spirit that he invested unreservedly for the development of the University, about his commitment to rise to the pedestal in higher education, for the development of science, about the projects that he realized, the textbooks and works that he left behind, but also for the support, so that the university should create a healthy scientific youth. He left an indelible mark on society by sending strong messages about the universal values that he had practiced. He was not only a teacher and professor from whom students and colleagues could learn through his lectures, but through his behaviour, he taught us to be better people, because he was first and foremost a great man.

His natural character, with pronounced elements of modesty and unobtrusiveness, humanity, dedication, tolerance, justice, perseverance, selflessness, paternal approach to the younger ones, and his honesty and sacrifice towards his colleagues left a deep mark on all of us. He was a zealous professor who wanted to listen to young people in his lectures, he respected all students, the better and the weaker ones were all equal to him. He has always held the view that there is no subject that students cannot master, but on the contrary, the professor should find a way for each student to get the most out of it. Tireless an enthusiast who did not give up even in the most fragile moments. Professor Nazmi’s teaching work was an example for many people. His office door was always open to students. He was against a certain limited term for consultations, but he believed that professors should always be available to students.

He gave strong motivation and encouragement to the students, with him you could not hear ‘you failed the exam’, but ‘you can do it better, come to the next session’. He always tried to gather the best students. He considered mentoring to be one of his most important tasks, as well as the selfless sharing of knowledge. That’s how it multiplies knowledge, and he who shares does not become poorer, but immeasurably richer. These were the words he often repeated.

I cannot forget his energy and faith even in the most difficult moments, for him, there were never unsolvable situations, but he always moved forward with faith. He always expressed respect to colleagues, he never bypassed anyone, and he always gave priority to older colleagues with deep respect, and to us younger ones.

He was a great believer, he put and measured the actions of all his colleagues on a golden scale, he never accused or slandered anyone, he never wronged anyone or said an insulting word, he was very tolerant and wide, leaving room for everyone to understand their actions, and he never refused the outstretched hand, he built bridges where it was impossible.

None of us can forget his generosity and kindness. About the magazine of which he was the editor-in-chief, he told us that it is your magazine, create and write.

He always told us younger ones that there is time for everything, but family and children come first, he always mentioned his children, he was the proud father of his beloved daughter Nazlije, who bore his mother’s name, spoke of his visits to Qatar with his son Faton and the efforts of his son Mirsim. He spoke of the wisdom of his daughter Drita and the persistence of his son Driton. He spoke of the strong support of his fellow traveller wife, Fetije, whom he would have said many times that she raised his wonderful children.

I associate the name and character of Professor Nazmi with virtue as such; he testified that true effort and achievement can be refined by enthusiasm and a sincere desire for the public good. He always reminded us that there is a clear and essential difference between pure personal ambition and the personal ambition to contribute to society.

We were lucky and privileged to be his collaborators and colleagues. In the case of Professor Nazmi, many of us had the opportunity to be under his protection, because he was selfless and tireless in his sharing of experiences and knowledge. His noble mission was visible in all his undertakings, which was to create a nursery of young scientists.

He fought for each of us like one fight for his child. Sacrificing for the team and being fair in his actions, he created an atypical harmony in his communication with all of us. We will always be grateful to him for that. He was always on the side of the weak. He motivated and encouraged them. That’s why he was a great mean. His philanthropy included a desire to help, without emphasizing or mentioning it, for him it was taken for granted. He proved it during the entire period of his life, which, although it lasted relatively short, was filled and rich with all earthly epithets.

In all positions in the work, he made a selfless effort to improve and advance the educational and scientific process. He believed in the ideals of science, humanity and justice. He was especially active when he was vice-dean and dean, we younger ones felt the professor as our teacher, as a member of the family. He advocated the development of different ways of acting in the management of the university, transformation and modernization of the university.

From his personal and scientific unique work energy and creativity, selflessness, and true and uncompromising excellence in everything he did, from his leadership, grew numerous achievements that significantly contributed to the development of AUE – FON. The university and the establishment of the status of one of the best private universities in the country and beyond, for which we are eternally grateful.

We will remember him as an impeccable teacher, a scientist, a man of inexhaustible energy and knowledge, a faithful friend and, above all, a humble man. He was simple but also profound, he never lost his sense of humanity and justice. He did not tolerate dishonesty.

Professor Nazmi was a gentleman from “old school” and tried to give dignity to every event he attended, but also to the person he worked with. He was a simple man, a true friend and a wise teacher to many of us in his work environment. At the same time, for him the family represented holiness. He was an extremely attentive husband, devoted father and grandfather.

A final farewell and thanks, dear professor, in the hope that we can successfully convey your message about the importance of being constant in nurturing universal, tested and proven values.

Prof. PhD Sejdefa Dzafche